Missional living is the adoption of the posture, thinking, behaviors, and practices of a missionary in order to engage others with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
Local and Global Mission
Being a member of at Deltona Presbyterian Church is saying Yes to the Family and Yes to the Mission that God has given us. As Christians, don’t we believe that Life Is More… when it’s lived with Jesus? Believing that to be true, don’t we want those we love most to also believe and experience that reality? And so locally we provide a Food Pantry every other week inside the church in our Fellowship Hall. Caned goods, bread, pastries and meat are handed out to those who are in need. We support Guardian Ad Litem: monetarily monthly and with donations of needed items. At Christmas time we donate many toys, pjs and other requested items for the children. We also locally support Ethos 360, which helps two retired missionaries. But what about Globally? We believe we are called to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth. And so we are invested in Mission Discovery. Mission Discovery trips aim to help developing communities around the world. Teams of volunteers build homes for families in need, love on orphans, feed the hungry, clothe and educate school children, provide medical care and empower churches to bring hope to their communities. Their mission, To Serve Jesus Christ by mobilizing believers to meet the physical and spiritual needs of a broken world. We also support, Wycliff Bible Translators, who are doing God’s work by translating the Bible into the native languages of unreached people groups. And we also give funds to support missionaries associated with Alongside and Interserve.